Palestra: The importance of Syndicates: Class Entities in the Socialisation of Knowledge - Sharing Experiences

by Karen Nanninga
Executive Chairman
European Management Assistants is an international quality network of management support professionals who focus on their personal development and on the future of their profession.

About EUMA

1974: 9 countries
2000: 1,800 members in 25 countries

20 National Groups operate autonomously

Executive Committee

Council - 20 National Committees - 6 affiliate representatives

European project groups

Internal communication

Running the Association: voluntary work

EUropean .

A great dimension

A voice for the profession in Europe

Friendship across borders

An international learning experience

. Management Assistants

Lifelong learning

(Inter)national training

Identify and follow trends

Business network


Assist our members in
change processes

On the EUMA agenda

Strategy - operational plan

Enhance European position /visibility

Promote added value

Cross-border events / communication

European survey

- age / EUMA Future
- active working members
- potential members in new roles

Eastern Europe

Fill the gaps and focus on the future!